Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Queen

So today in class we watched the move "The Queen". I had seen the movie before so I knew what to expect obviously, but when you watch something for the second time you are able to understand things better. The second time around, I was more focused on the parts with Princess Diana. Before seeing this movie I had no idea that the Royal family disliked her so much. Anyways...

The quote at the beginning of the movie said a lot. It was "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown" -Henry IV

Being put in any leadership position can be hard. When Princess Diana died, although the Queen did not like her one bit, it was a situation she had to deal with. It seemed as if she put it off as long as possible. I thought the position the Prime Minister was in was even harder. Knowing how the Royal family should have acted and suggesting to them things they should do would be rough. How would you even approach someone with the title of Queen and tell them what they are doing is wrong? I couldn't even imagine and I thought the leadership he showed throughout the movie was the strongest. It goes to show that it is not always glamorous to be a leader, but you have to know what the right thing to do is.

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